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From Social Theory to Policy Design


Little attention has been given in policy analysis to the creative process of designing solutions to public policy problems. There are a number of difficulties in applying macro-level theories - whether from economics, sociology, philosophy or macro-systems theory - in the policy process. Any macro-level theory will tend to provide inadequate guidance in one or more of three aspects of policy-making: a model of causation, a model for evaluating alternatives and outcomes, and a model of how interven- tions operate. Our current knowledge about which policy strategies work best under which conditions is at best rudimentary. Academic disciplin- ary perspectives focus on a narrow repertoireof policy instruments. What is required is a design focus which draws on instruments associated with a range of disciplines and professions. A design perspective involves both a systematic process for generating basic strategies and a framework for comparing them. Such an approach will require at least the following elements: (i) the characteristics of problems (scale, collectiveness, certainty, predictability, independence); (2) characteristics of goals

(value-laden, operational, process of goal-setting); (3) characteristics of instruments (suitability of different instruments).


policy design, policy tools