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EAST: Four simple ways to apply behavioural insights


Owain Service, Michael Hallsworth, David Halpern,
Felicity Algate, Rory Gallagher, Sam Nguyen, Simon Ruda, Michael Sanders
with Marcos Pelenur, Alex Gyani, Hugo Harper, Joanne Reinhard & Elspeth Kirkman 

If you want to encourage a behaviour, make it Easy, Attractive, Social and Timely (EAST). These four simple principles for applying behavioural insights are based on the Behavioural Insights Team’s own work and the wider academic literature.

There is a large body of evidence on what influences behaviour, and we do
not attempt to reflect all its complexity and nuances here. But we have found that policy makers and practitioners and it useful to have a simple, memorable framework to think about effective behavioural approaches. 


Behaviour, Nudge